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Maricopa County election theft leads to jail sentence for Ringfield Jr.

In a case highlighting the importance of election security, a former temporary worker at Maricopa County elections has been sentenced for theft. The incident involved the theft of a key fob, which led to enhanced security measures at the elections headquarters.

Walter Ringfield Jr., who had been employed temporarily during the 2024 election, took a key fob from the ballot and tabulation center.

Though the fob was swiftly retrieved, the county had to reprogram all election equipment to ensure there was no security breach.

Ringfield admitted guilt to four felony charges, including this theft. His criminal activities extended beyond the elections office; he confessed to stealing items from the state Senate building, jewelry from the Phoenix Art Museum, and a grocery store.

During sentencing, Ringfield did not provide any remarks, although he appeared to be in a positive mood. The court ruled that he would spend six months in jail, with credit for approximately six weeks already served, followed by three years of probation.

Ringfield’s release is scheduled for July 19.

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